Life in this moment…

{entertaining, odd, and hopefully not too far away from reality}

6:03 November 23, 2005

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lindsey @ 7:42 pm

is the time I was when I woke up even though I was supposed to be at church at 6am. This is day #2 of sleeping right through my alarm…(I mean it was beeping for an hour and 3 mintues.) NOT COOL.

But serving breakfast at the salvation army was really fun. We served about 450 people which was amazing. We served a full Thanksgiving meal with cranberries and pie for breakfast. Seems a bit strange…but they enjoyed it.

Then chapel day #2… can I say I love this job! I really enjoyed doing chapel today. I can play a mad “This is the Day” on the guitar and we totally rocked out to “If I was a butterfly” after playign with green water blessings! There is something about singing songs of thanks to Jesus with a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds that makes you grin ear to ear.

still sleepy…but I am off to pack and drive down to Iowa for the weekend. The 1st ever McConnell Reunion! It is going to be AWESOME! Hundreds of people…good food…beer…and joyful spirits that we’re together celebrating and there isn’t a funeral!


2 Responses to “6:03”

  1. Ingrid Says:

    Dear one,
    How cool. You are so good about posting updates, nice work! Sounds like a great morning. Praying for your weekend. Hope you’re alert and attentive as you drive today.
    So good to chat last night…it really did my heart good. 🙂

  2. Brenda Says:

    Dang! I cannot imagine sleeping through a beeping noise for an hour! Holy cow!

    Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

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